
來(lái)源: 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-08-30

Our main product contain the series complete set of equipment for playing card process and manufacture, YMQ series trademark die cutters, SJQ series angle cutter, SWY catalog index digging machine, YYJ series book compaction machine and other paper processing machine for brand, notebook, drop, book and wall calendar etc. The above product is necessary equipments for manufacturers to refine process to paper printing.

Since we establishment in 1985 , our company has felt greatly honoured to be given such support and deep love from customers. In the new century, based on the principle of “practice, innovation, exploitation and progress”, we must win victory with our high quality and thrive business with our brand. It’s our permanent goal is to provide more excellent and perfect equipment and service for customers and it’s our obligation to create high effect equipment for everybody. Cooperation hand in hand and creating the brilliance together are our undeviating faith.



SJQ、PJQ機(jī)是一款電動(dòng)功能的圓角機(jī),專業(yè)用于軟包裝袋子(包括:三邊封袋子和自立袋等)、商標(biāo)吊牌、名片、書(shū)刊、包裝裝潢、文件、袋類、卡折、筆記本等切圓角。書(shū)本類切圓角,它使用例如:銀行儲(chǔ)蓄存折本的圓角,各類精裝書(shū),精裝筆記本的圓角.服裝吊牌,名片,撲克等,是一款印后設(shè)備的機(jī)器。尺寸可定制,采用高速鋼材質(zhì),硬度高,使 用壽命長(zhǎng),沖切圓角光滑,美觀。產(chǎn)品特性/主要規(guī)格/特殊功能: 1.立式設(shè)計(jì),結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,使用方便。刀具自選,規(guī)格齊全。

。 河北筆記本SJQ平角圓角切角機(jī)聯(lián)系方式坐落在溫州市甌海區(qū)工業(yè)基地,地理位置交通便捷。




After receiving the machine, the user should check whether the machine is intact. Then install the machine. The size of the bottom screw position is as shown in the figure below. It is also possible to place the machine on the cement floor without mounting the bottom screw. It is best to pad the bottom of the base. To prevent the machine from moving during use. 實(shí)力和產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量獲得業(yè)界的認(rèn)可。


試車Test run在機(jī)器安裝好后,在接通電源試車,試車前應(yīng)將各注油孔、滑動(dòng)面、,注入潤(rùn)滑油,開(kāi)機(jī)前用手扳動(dòng)偏心輪(圖(2)中3),使切刀做一、兩次循環(huán)運(yùn)動(dòng),檢查機(jī)器是否正常,電機(jī)轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)方向應(yīng)與偏心輪上箭頭所指方向相同,否則裁切時(shí)會(huì)導(dǎo)致機(jī)器非正常損壞。可打開(kāi)機(jī)器左側(cè)小門(mén),觀察飛輪轉(zhuǎn)向(圖(2)中11)是否與偏心輪上箭頭所指方向一致。

After the machine is installed, before the power supply test is connected, each injection hole, sliding surface, and lubricating oil should be injected before the test, and the eccentric wheel should be pulled by hand before starting(Figure(2) in 3). Make the cutter do one or two cycles of movement, check whether the machine is normal, the direction of motor rotation should be the same as the direction indicated by the arrow on the center wheel, otherwise the cutting will cause abnormal damage to the machine. The small door on the left side of the machine can be opened to see whether the flywheel steering(11 in Figure(2)) is consistent with the direction indicated by the arrow on the center wheel. 速度快,圓角準(zhǔn)確。。上海筆記本SJQ平角圓角切角機(jī)按需定制


Δ注意事項(xiàng)matters needing attention:




First, pay attention during the work, strictly observe the equipment operating rules, to achieve safe operations.

Second, cut off the power before adjusting the equipment.

Third, according to the size requirements of the product specifications, make precise adjustments. When adjusting, use special tools, be careful and pay attention to safety. 浙江鋁塑包裝袋SJQ平角圓角切角機(jī)質(zhì)量
