

  • 數(shù)量( 組 )
    價格(元/ 組 )
  • 1 ~ 2 :
    18500.00 元/ 組
  • 3 ~ 3 :
    18000.00 元/ 組
  • >=4 :
    17500.00 元/ 組




留言詢價 我的聯(lián)系方式 在線洽談


  • 化學(xué)類型鉛酸蓄電池
  • 電池蓋和排氣拴結(jié)構(gòu)開口式蓄電池
  • 類型牽引型蓄電池
  • 品牌貝朗斯
  • 額定容量450AH
  • 型號24-9DB450
  • 電壓12(V)
  • 荷電狀態(tài)帶液充電態(tài)蓄電池
  • 適用范圍叉車蓄電池
  • 產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證ce
  • 外型尺寸980X660X456(mm)



西林叉車電池型號根據(jù)車型決定容量、不同尺寸的鐵箱尺寸,配組容量不同,報價也不同,隨著人們對環(huán)境污染危害的深入認(rèn)識,環(huán)保已成為世界共同關(guān)注的焦點。叉車蓄電池廠家價格,因而,噪聲小、無廢氣排放的蓄電池叉車將成為市場的主流。另外,自動化倉儲系統(tǒng)和大型超市的紛繁樹立,也刺激了對室內(nèi)物料搬運(yùn)機(jī)械——蓄電池叉車的需求。蓄電池叉車現(xiàn)已打破原來只能用于小噸位作業(yè)的局限,逐漸由室內(nèi)走向室外,市場需求逐年上升。蓄電池叉車具有能量轉(zhuǎn)換效率高、噪聲小、無廢氣排放、控制便當(dāng)?shù)葍?yōu)點,在車間、倉庫、食品、制藥、微電子及儀器儀表等對環(huán)境條件請求較高的場所得到了普遍的應(yīng)用,成為室內(nèi)物料搬運(yùn)的首選工具。選擇貝朗斯牌叉車蓄電池,得到眾多企業(yè)的認(rèn)可。Resistant battery is specially used for forklift batteries resistant forklift truck, forklift battery shell lens brand choice as energy-saving power source, cost-effective, timely customer service, the price is not expensive, service in place, the design life of 4 years, the power supply forklift battery is the basic function, and the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy in the process. Professional requirements not only have higher, and ensure the stability of the standards, but also have the nature of high security.

Is a special forklift forklift battery products, ensure product quality is good, high quality requirements of it, especially in the production practice in the design of essential safety standards will ensure accurate, the use of security are important conditions. Focusing on the reliable service foundation and the safety conditions of the forklift, the stability of power supply is of great importance, and the reliability of the application is also to be guaranteed. The quality requirements of forklift batteries, intrinsic safety design requirements, is also a professional brand high quality product quality standards mainly, can achieve a high standard of

professional requirements, of course, the application effect of actual and safe use, is a necessary condition. Forklift power requirements are high, and continuous and stable work applications, but also need to have more professional standards to ensure that the requirements of precision. Professional production of forklift batteries, in safety and stable power supply, product quality standards are important and practical, functional design, chemical composition is added to ensure stable supply, safety requirements for application of some help, but also the actual application must pay attention to the standard.
Xilin forklift battery brands can choose imported or domestic well-known monomer as a shell lens brand battery traction; we strictly control the quality, at present, lead-acid battery repair method, including the negative pulse charging method high current charging method in the market, add a repair method of lead-acid battery active agent, although in the short term to the effect, but there are still some damage, such as ripple interference, high energy consumption and low efficiency problems can not be ignored on the plate, and the composite resonance pulse battery technology is nondestructive battery physical structure of battery repair technology truly, the technology uses a combination of offline and online repair greatly prolonging the service life of the battery battery, reduce the failure rate, its advantage is self-evident.
Xilin forklift battery models based on iron box models decided capacity and different size, with different capacity, price is also different, along with the people to understand the hazards of environmental pollution, environmental protection has become the focus of the world. Forklift battery manufacturer price, therefore, small noise, no emissions of storage battery forklift will become the mainstream of the market. In addition, the establishment of automated storage systems and large supermarkets also stimulated the demand for indoor materials handling machinery, batteries, forklifts. Battery forklift has broken the limit that can only be used for small tonnage operation, and gradually moved from indoor to outdoor, and the market demand is increasing year by year. Battery forklift has high energy conversion efficiency, low noise, no exhaust emission control, convenient advantages, higher request to the environmental condition in the workshop, warehouse, food, pharmaceutical, electronics and instrumentation and other places have been widely used, the tool of choice for indoor material handling. Choose brand forklift battery shell lens, recognized by many enterprises.


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