

  • 數(shù)量( 組 )
    價格(元/ 組 )
  • 1 ~ 2 :
    23500.00 元/ 組
  • 3 ~ 3 :
    23000.00 元/ 組
  • >=4 :
    22500.00 元/ 組




留言詢價 我的聯(lián)系方式 在線洽談


  • 化學(xué)類型鉛酸蓄電池
  • 電池蓋和排氣拴結(jié)構(gòu)開口式蓄電池
  • 類型牽引型蓄電池
  • 品牌貝朗斯
  • 額定容量575AH
  • 型號24-5PZS575 48V575AH
  • 電壓48(V)
  • 荷電狀態(tài)帶液充電態(tài)蓄電池
  • 適用范圍叉車蓄電池
  • 產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證ce
  • 外型尺寸830*627*627(mm)


林德叉車電瓶多少錢呢、我們根據(jù)容量而定,選擇優(yōu)質(zhì)的供應(yīng)商可避免后期售后服務(wù)的麻煩,品質(zhì)過硬,貝朗斯牌鉛酸蓄電池組,針對林德叉車動力設(shè)計,工作時間長,揮發(fā)電解液少,耐高溫,林德叉車蓄電池一般在叉車配件店、叉車維修店,專業(yè)蓄電池供應(yīng)商處可有銷售,要想質(zhì)量好,必須嚴(yán)格參考保修時間、合同條列。使用過程中,但如果充電電流比較大,負(fù)極板的氧復(fù)合反應(yīng)跟不上析氧的速度,氣體會頂開排氣閥而形成失水。如果充電電壓達(dá)到2.42V(25℃),叉車蓄電池的負(fù)極板會析氫,而氫氣不能夠類似氧循環(huán)那樣被正極板吸收,只能夠增加蓄電池氣室的氣壓,***后會被排出氣室而形成失水。蓄電池具備負(fù)的溫度特 性,其析氣也與溫度特性一致。當(dāng)蓄電池溫升以后,蓄電池的析氣電壓也會下降,溫升會導(dǎo)致蓄電池容易析氣失水。長三角和珠三角地區(qū)夏季環(huán)境溫度比較高,如果沒有空調(diào)或者空調(diào)容量不足,會使蓄電池失水增加。


林德叉車蓄電池的維修保養(yǎng),使用時間超過2年左右,由于維護(hù)不當(dāng),我們要適當(dāng)修復(fù),單體壞的該更換更換,整套林德蓄電池必須脫硫一次,均衡充電。 叉車蓄電池充電是我們老生常談的問題,很多用戶老是埋怨蓄電池壽命短,時間一長功率和使用時間明顯減少,為什么呢?還是得從我們?nèi)粘5某潆娬f起。


首先蓄電池在我們買回來以后,因?yàn)殚L時間不使用電量肯定會不慢,長期不使用,內(nèi)在的正負(fù)離子的活動處于一個停滯階段,這個時候我們一般會選擇充滿電然后再使用,其實(shí)這種方式是對蓄電池有非常大的傷害,長期不運(yùn)動的正負(fù)電級會因?yàn)槭艿綇?qiáng)電流的沖擊,***終導(dǎo)致出現(xiàn)壞死的離子,沉積在蓄電池中,占據(jù)蓄電池一定的容量,從而減少蓄電池的正常容量。正確的辦法就是先充后放,先充到80%左右的電量,進(jìn)行開機(jī)放電操作。Linde forklift battery generally refers to the technical parameters of Linde electric forklift battery iron box size, type, voltage, capacity, battery, vehicle arrangement and other basic information, Linde forklift battery 3.07ghz summarizes the whole series of Linde battery forklift truck, three fulcrum, balance weight, forklift trucks, pallet trucks and other special Linde battery different brands of supporting group, the price is not the same, the high price of imported Linde battery, but the deep circulation times high, domestic forklift battery price is low, but the short life design. Can choose the brand forklift battery as shell lens Linde forklift power source, high cost, adequate inventory, import technology formula, deep circulation number more than 1200 times, the service life of 4 years. As an open type forklift battery batteries discharge type; it must rely on the power to complete the water chemistry, many users do not pay attention to this, spent one million yuan to buy a battery in the forklift battery completely drained of electrolyte, continue to use lead battery plate burning, because the single battery charge to 2.35V (25 C), will enter the positive plate a lot of oxygen, for sealed battery, the negative plate has oxygen compound ability.
How much money do Linde forklift battery, according to the capacity, the choice of quality customer service service provider can avoid later problems, excellent quality, brand Beckham lens lead-acid battery, according to the dynamic design of forklift Linde, long working time, high temperature resistance, less volatilization of the electrolyte, the battery in general Linde forklift accessories shop, forklift repair shop battery suppliers can, professional sales, to good quality, warranty time, the contract must be strictly reference list. In use, but if the charging current is relatively large, the negative plate oxygen composite reaction can not keep up the rate of oxygen evolution, gas will open the exhaust valve and form dehydration. If the charging voltage reaches 2.42V (25 DEG C), forklift battery negative plate of hydrogen and hydrogen will, can not be similar to the oxygen cycle of positive plate absorption, pressure can only increase the battery chamber, finally expelled gas chamber and the formation of water loss. The battery has negative temperature characteristics, and its gassing is also consistent with the temperature characteristics. When the temperature rise of the battery, the gas evolution voltage of the battery will also drop, and the temperature rise will lead to the battery easy to release gas and water loss. Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta region summer environment temperature is relatively high, if there is no air conditioning or air conditioning capacity is insufficient, will make the battery water loss increased. The charging voltage will reach the equivalent single 2.4V, the voltage exceeds the voltage of the battery positive plate a lot of oxygen, especially in the high temperature environment, a large number of oxygen evolution voltage will decrease, so the analysis of oxygen will increase greatly. The positive plate of oxygen in the negative plate will be absorbed, the absorption of oxygen is a clear exothermic reaction, the temperature of the battery will rise. If the battery has become dehydrated, the glass fiber separator of acid free pores will increase the negative plate to absorb oxygen, the heat will be more, the battery temperature rise is higher. The temperature rise of the battery will accelerate the oxygen evolution of the positive plate, forming a vicious circle - Thermal runaway. In the analysis of thermal runaway condition, the increase of oxygen pressure, the increase of forklift battery, when the temperature reaches the point of glass shell plastic battery, battery bulge variant, this variant in addition to the impact of the mechanical structure of the battery inside the battery, but also the formation of a gas leak, and cause the loss of more serious acid leakage; although the battery thermal runaway the phenomenon is not much, but in the event of thermal runaway, battery life will be rapidly ahead of the end; we know that this loading of lead-acid battery in electric forklift trucks or rail cars, dehydration phenomenon of the distilled water is forbidden.
Linde forklift battery maintenance, use time more than 2 years, due to improper maintenance, we should properly repair, replace the single bad, the battery must be a set of Linde desulfurization, equalizing charge. Forklift battery charge is our platitude problem, many users always complain about the battery life is short, a long time, power and use time decreased obviously, why? Still have to start with our daily charge. The first battery after we bought back, for a long time without the use of electricity will not slow, do not use long-term, positive and negative ion internal activities in a stagnant stage, this time we will generally choose full power and then use this way, in fact, there is a very big damage to the battery, negative power level long-term don't exercise because by the strong current impact, ultimately lead to necrosis of the ion deposition in the battery, the battery has a certain capacity, thereby reducing the normal capacity of the battery. The correct way is to charge first and then release, first charge to about 80% of the power, the boot discharge operation.


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